Friday, 21 September 2018

The day started with glowering skies and rain in the offing so we adjusted our plans. We had thought that we might be able to take the train to the top of Snowdon but there was little point to do so in the rain. Instead we decided to go to Caernarfon Castle. 

This castle is in ruins but its walls still remain and it is the location still used for the investiture of the Prince Of Wales.

It was a very interesting experience, wandering through stone rooms, climbing steep steps to the top of the towers and walking atop the walls.

We learned that the castle had been built by King Edward I and that it stood s testament to his role as conuere and the new King in Wales. We larnds that when his wife Elenor died he erected crosses throughout his realm, and this solved a mystery for us as we saw one of these in London but there was no explanation t the time.

The weather cleared for a short time and we went to the railway, hoping we could get up the mountain for views of the surrounding areas. We discovered that, due to the extraordinarily high winds, the train was not going to the top we decided therefore to abandon that plan and to take a drive through the park and to see what sights we could.

We stopped a few times along he route, first ar the Ugly House, a cottage made entirely of stones, paces I just the right way to prevent rain from penetrating

We alos went to the coast and could see the mountains in the distance. We stayed in the area until sunset when we could make out the cost of Ireland in the distance.

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