Saturday, 10 December 2022

The final Leg

Leaving the Blue Mountains behind us ae hsaded towards our final stop...Sydney.  we arrived in the early afternoon and returned our rental car, used the transit system to get to our home base at Circle Quay and settled into our hotel.

With the late afternoon and evening ahead of use we decided to use the public transpotation system.  There is a very efficient ferry system and so we jumped on one to see what we could see.

We saw a lot!

Sydney Harbour us very, very busy.  Cruise ships come and go with the water ferries darting around through many many sailboats peppering the waterways.

We took a ferry from Circular Quay to Manly and back again.  It was a spectacular evening and it got colder as the sun dipped low in the sky.

We sailed by the Sydney Harbour bridge that we had driven over earlier on our way into the city.

When we finished our first trip, we jumped on another ferry headed to cockatoo Island...the locatoon of one of the penal colonies in the late 1800's.  We didn't stay long before the next ferry came to take us back to Circular Quay.

On our way back we stopped in Darling Bay where we saw skyscrappers galore.

Thee sun set and we saw the moon riaing beside the iconic Opera House.

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