Sunday, 8 March 2015

Farewell Cape

We explored Golden Bay up to the Northern spit.  This spit extends into the ocean in a ahlf moon shape for many kilometers.  It is covered with sand dunes and grasses and is a well known pheonomenon.  We did not venture out onto the spit itself, but instead we took some short walks to look at the coast.

The first walk we took was up to see Cape Farewell from wich point we could see the most northern point of the Southern Island which is a huge cliff with an stone arch.  The sea was violent and the waves were crashing through the arch.  The wind was very strong giving the whole area a dramatic atosphere.

We walked along the cliff edge and eventurally we could see the Farewell Spit curivng out from the headlands with its end impossibly far away! 

After this we made our way to Whararika Beach which is an area with huge sand dunes.  The sand was being whipped around ferociously by the wind and the seas were violent and turbulent, especially as the tide was coming in.  Although seals are often sighted on this beach, it was far to windy to stay and try to view them.  We walked back through the most unusual landscape.

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